When will updates be made? Every day? Week? Month? Year?
I edit the website every day around 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time. The last 4 updates are listed on the homepage under Updates - All former updates can be viewed at www.publicservicevehicles.com/updates. Sometimes, there won't be any updates due to computer failure, vacation, or power failure (For Example: Hurricane Irene put me 2 weeks behind schedule). In any case, I will try my hardest to inform viewers on the homepage that I am not updating things for a while. I will try to get at least one update online each week
This is PublicServiceVehicles.com, so why do you have things like private lawn care and UPS trucks?
A Public Service Vehicle is defined as any vehicle that performs a service to the public. So, Lawn Care Trucks do perform a service to the public, but not everybody uses the same company. Still, I try to focus on town, state, and federal government department vehicles, such as city fire, police, and public works departments. Every once in a while though, I may see a Lawn Care Truck, UPS Truck, FedEx Truck, Tree Truck (etc.) and ask permission to take a photo.
What's with the whole "Copyright" thing on all the photos?
As you may have noticed, I have written "Copyright © 2013 by Kieran Egan" on all of the photos I have taken. Why? The answer is simple. For many of my photos, I have gotten special permission to take (for example: The Unmarked Police Cars), and don't want anyone to use them without permission. I've had problems in the past of people claiming them as their own, or posting them on websites without my permission.
Can I submit photos to the site?
Yes! As of October 22, 2011, you are allowed to submit photos to the site. For guidelines on submitting photos, see www.publicservicevehicles.com/submit.
How will my photos look when they get on the site? Will you credit me?
Yes, I'll credit you. Here is what it will look like:
A Photo submitted by Zack Bowden:
How long will it take before my photo(s) is/are on the site?
It usually takes about two to four days for your photo(s) to get on the site. Because of Hurricane Irene and the Power Failure in August, I am running about 3 days behind. I will try my hardest to notify you via email or mail to let you know the photos are on the site. You will usually see them on the homepage the first two days, so stay tuned.
Is there a limit on what size the photos should be?
Basically, no. Keep in mind that the best photos, (Usually 1.5MB to 2.5 MB) go up first. Many low-quality CELLPHONE photos lower than 50k may not be accepted, but there are many exceptions, so send them anyway. I actually have an HTC droid incredible, which almost half the photos are taken with. This cellphone works great in the car, so if I see anything, I pull it out and snap a pic. I often see things I don't have photos of (like brand new things) while in the passenger seat, and grab a photo. These photos work great as "temporary" photos, as I post them on the website (cropped so you can't tell they are taken from the car) and go to the department later to get a better photo.
Do you want me to edit the image for you? Are there dimensions (pixels) you would like?
PLEASE DON'T EDIT THE IMAGE FOR ME! I will do this on my own time. You can just sit back and relax. I prefer them as "raw" as possible. Please do not crop them either. I have my own dimensions I follow. If I can't crop the photo to my dimensions without destroying the photo, I will still post is AS IS.
I have contributed the same photos to other sites? Can I share them here as well?
SURE! I don't care if they have appeared on other sites before, as long as the photo is YOURS!
What are the kind of Vehicles that are accepted?
Any PSV! As defined before, a Public Service Vehicle (or PSV) is any vehicle that performs a service to the public. Keep in mind that government (Fire, Police, US Mail, DPW, etc.) will be added first.
Do you want information included in the email such as the vehicle number(s)?
Yes! All of our staff can tell what a Ford Crown Victoria is, but I am the only one who can make out exactly what year it is. Some of the things you can include are the Year, Manufacturer, Your Name, Where it is based/stationed, etc.
Can I submit photos from magazines, books, still video captures, newspapers, or from other websites?
NO! I will not allow copyrighted material from publishing companies, video companies etc. Only photos taken by YOU will be added. Otherwise you will be BANNED from submitting photos.
Where can I find recent updates?
There are four ways to find out what's new. On the homepage, there is a section called "Recent Updates" This will show updates from the past few days. Also, check out the Updates Page. Finally, you can be the first to know by subscribing to our newsletter.
What does "Unit List" mean?
A"Unit List" is a list of all the vehicles/equipment in that department. Note that this information shouldn't be used elsewhere without permission.
Don't see your question here? Email me at egank17@publicservicevehicles.com